February 5, 2024
We call on our ancient lineage and honor the organizing that many of our members and our rabbi have been doing for months, as we take a public stand for ceasefire. Horrified by the tremendous loss of life in Gaza, we feel called to amplify our collective voice and to join the urgent and growing call for an immediate, permanent ceasefire, including release of all hostages and restoration of humanitarian aid and services to Gaza.
Jewish tradition teaches that all life is sacred, and that our greatest obligations are saving a life (pikuach nefesh) and preserving human dignity (kavod ha-briot). As we sing every week, Torah is a tree of life (eitz chayim hi) and all her pathways are peace.
We are motivated by our love and concern for all people in Israel/Palestine, and believe that everyone there is entitled to basic safety, dignity, health, life and freedom from systemic persecution. We grieve the Israelis killed on October 7th, and we resist the false narrative that pits Jewish and Israeli safety against Palestinian safety. This approach only leads to cycles of violence, repeated over and over, that undermine the possibility of safety for anyone, Palestinian or Israeli. We must, instead, recognize that our liberation is intertwined, that our best path forward is in recognizing our shared humanity, and that ceasefire is a necessary first step toward a just and lasting peace brought about through diplomacy.
We call on the US and Israeli governments to de-escalate and interrupt this cycle of violence, and to seek a long term diplomatic solution that addresses root causes and ensures Palestinians and Israelis can live with safety and peace. May not another life be lost. Ceasefire Now.